How can SIGGS 3.0 enhance the governance of sports organisations?
Regular self-assessment:
The idea is to use the tool as an instrument for regular self-assessment of your organisation since good governance is a continuous process. Since answers are stored automatically, it is easy to consider the answers that were provided during the previous assessment.
One account versus multiple accounts:
The number of accounts for each sport organisation is unlimited. In this regard, the organisation can decide to do an internal consultation beforehand and to put the data into the tool afterwards as the consensual view of the organisation. Another option is for different representatives of the organisation to do the assessment separately and to consider the different points of view afterwards.
Experience on good governance:
Due to different levels in the methodology, the tool is equally of benefit for organisations with profound experience in good governance measures as well as organisations that are at the start of a good governance process.
Any level of professionalisation:
The tool is beneficial for any level of professionalisation ranging from non-professional federations with only volunteers to fully professional federations and NOCs with various paid staff members.
Find below a list of key terms of the SIGGS 3.0 tool or download here the complete glossary.
About us
The EOC EU Office is the House of European Sport, representing the European Olympic Committees (EOC), the IOC and other major sport organisations to the European institutions in Brussels.