
The Stakeholders’ Mapping Tool for NOCs

Before starting a new project or when designing a strategy:​
List all relevant stakeholders​
Visualise your ecosystem​
Get a personalised list of actions for each of them​
Start my Mapping

A 4-steps to map and act​


Choose the topic of your project: green sport, bid for a sport event, social inclusion of refugees, elite sport strategy, etc.​


Identify your relevant stakeholders (Political actors, Athletes, Member Organisations, Board members, NGOs, Sponsors, Media,…). Guiding questions will help you identify the relevant stakeholders.​


Visualise automatically on a grid the power and the ability to influence of each stakeholders in your ecosystem. This interactive map helps you see the stakeholders alignment with your views and your options.​


Get your personalised action plan. This can serve as a basis for discussion and decision with your team on how to approach and influence stakeholders.

Your benefits​

Answer a few questions to identify your relevant stakeholders​

  • POWER – How much power does the stakeholder have on the topic?​
  • INFLUENCE – How much influence does the stakeholder have on the topic?​
  • ALIGNMENT – How likely is that the stakeholder agrees with you on this topic?​
  • INTEREST – Is the stakeholder interested in the topic?​

Map your stakeholders to leverage your network more effectively​

Get your stakeholder map and a customised action plan to develop and modernise your strategic management.

This stakeholder mapping tool allows you to identify who has the highest level influence in your sport’s ecosystem.

Get your Personalised Roadmap​

Get your personalised roadmap that allows you to improve your strategic governance and influence. 

You can download your report in pdf and share it with your colleagues.

The synthesis allows you to determine strengths and weaknesses in the current implementation of your strategic governance and impact.

Frequently asked questions

What is stakeholder mapping?

Stakeholder mapping is the process of listing all actors that you, as a sport organisation, are dealing with or will deal with for a specific project. It enables you to get a visual representation of them (e.g., table, map, graph). When preparing your stakeholder mapping, you will consider: the type of stakeholders (e.g. political actor, athlete, media, etc.) and their power, interest, alignment, as well as your ability to influence them.

Why is stakeholder mapping important?

Stakeholder mapping should be the first step of all when starting any project. To map your stakeholders will allow you to have all relevant actors in mind when developing your action plan, ie., those who you will need, those who can benefit from your activities, but also the ones that can hinder your efforts and negatively impact your project. It is a necessary effort to be done in the early phases of any project to ensure efficient planning, a successful project and anticipate potential risks.

How often should you map stakeholders?

Stakeholder mapping should be completed each time your organisation is considering a new project. It can also be done following significant changes in one sector (e.g., political elections, elections within federations/NOCs), or on a regular basis (e.g. as a side workshop of a yearly seminar).

How can the RINGS tool simplify Stakeholders' Mapping in sport?

The Stakeholder Management is an easy-to-use tool that will provide you with a visual overview of all actors that are related to you and your project. The tool guides you through the mapping in 4 steps, resulting in a graph with action lists for each stakeholder. The action lists will be based on the type of stakeholder, as well as its power, interest in your activities, alignment with your position, and your ability to influence them. At the end of the mapping, which can be performed in a few minutes, you will get a map of stakeholders combined with proposals for actions for each of them.

Public Affairs Guidelines​

How to create your Public Affairs strategy?

This checklist will be very useful for NOCs and sport organisations willing to gain support for their project shape sport policies.

Read the Public Affairs Guidelines

Handbook on Strategic Management and Good Governance

This guidebook offers many practical applications, recommendations, and training sessions via workshops and case studies. The workshops should be adapted to each of the organisation’s particular needs and specific culture. Case studies will end with questions that shall direct to the issues which are worthy of reflection.

Discover strategic management and crisis management of sport organisations.

Read the Handbook on Strategic Management (hands-on guide)Read the Guide for Strategic Management and Good Governance (academic guide)

About us

The EOC EU Office is the House of European Sport, representing the European Olympic Committees (EOC), the IOC and other major sport organisations to the European institutions in Brussels.
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