Questions on the regulation of sports profession and the European Sport Model answered by the European Commission

Questions on the regulation of sports profession and the European Sport Model answered by the European Commission

The European Commission has been asked for clarification on the free movement of workers and services and on the protection of the European Sport Model and the competitiveness of European football. The Commission stressed that Member States have the authority to regulate access to and practice of professions but specified that personal trainers and other sports professionals seeking employment in another EU Member State have the right to free movement under EU law, which prohibits discrimination. In addition, the Commission expressed its support to the European Sport Model based on values, solidarity and merit and underscores the necessity to bolster it. The Commission highlighted the correlation between annual performance in domestic competitions and participation in European competitions. This matter has been taken into account in the EU Work Plan for Sport 2024-2027.

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The EOC EU Office is the House of European Sport, representing the European Olympic Committees (EOC), the IOC and other major sport organisations to the European institutions in Brussels.
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