Formation of political groups in the European Parliament

Formation of political groups in the European Parliament

Political groups in the European Parliament are currently being formed with newly-elected MEPs. The European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) Group  has been constituted with Nicola Procaccini (Fratelli d’Italia, Italy) and Joachim Brudziński (PiS, Poland) elected as co-chairmen. 6 vice-chairs have been elected and the group now includes 84 MEPs. The Greens/EFA Group elected Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks, Netherlands) and re-elected Terry Reintke (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Germany) as Co-Presidents, while Diana Riba I Giner (Republican Left of Catalonia, Spain) was elected President of the European Free Alliance. The group also elected six Vice Presidents.

To be eligible for key roles in the European Parliament, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) had to form new political groups by 4 July. Due to the Parliament elections in France on 7 July where the Rassemblement National (French far-right) is likely to gain a historic number of seats in the National Assembly, the Identity and Democracy (ID) group initially requested more time to constitute its group, which was not approved. They will have their founding meeting on 9 July. The deadline for the constitution of groups is 15 July, one day before the formal inauguration of the 10th legislature during the plenary session in Strasbourg.

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The EOC EU Office is the House of European Sport, representing the European Olympic Committees (EOC), the IOC and other major sport organisations to the European institutions in Brussels.
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