The European Commission and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) organized the yearly Sport Infoday on March 3, 2016 in Brussels to inform potential applicants about Erasmus+ Sport, its funding opportunities and the EU sport policy background. Speakers provided practical guidance on preparing and submitting proposals, and provided support with the financial aspects of funding.
On this occasion, the Commission promoted the launch of small collaborative partnerships. The EOC EU Office has advocated this in order to facilitate the access of actors from grassroots sports. As of the ongoing 2016 call smaller projects up to 60.000 € will now be financed by Erasmus+ sport. Due to simplified administrative procedures these kind of projects could enhance the visibility of local projects in the programme.
Moreover, the Support the Implementation of Good Governance in Sport (SIGGS) project, which is being conducted by the EOC EU Office, was highlighted as an ambitious project supported by Erasmus+.
The deadline for this year’s application round is May 12, 2016. Presentations and videos from the Erasmus+ Sport Infoday are available here.