- On 25 March 2021, 2021 Erasmus+ Programme and Erasmus+ Programme Guide have been published. Sport organisations are invited to go over the Erasmus+ Programme Guide chapters that are relevant to the field and to submit their projects before the submissions date set up as 20 May 2021 for the three types of activities, namely, cooperation partnerships, small-scale partnerships, and non-for-profit European sport events.
- With a dedicated budget of €1.009 billion, the first call for proposals under the new European Solidarity Corps 2021-2027 was launched on 15 April 2021. 270,000 young people will have the opportunity to help address societal and humanitarian challenges through volunteering or by setting up their own solidarity projects. In both cases, sport related activities and projects could be submitted. The first annual work programme and the Programme Guide 2021 are online and applications forms should be published on the Funding & Tender Opportunities Platform (F&TP) in May for the quality label for humanitarian aid, and in July for volunteering teams in high priority areas. €138 million will be made available for the first year of action.