On 11 October 2021 the EOC EU Office welcomed EOC President Spyros Capralos and Secretary General Raffaele Pagnozzi in their premises in Brussels. The agenda promised a busy day with an introduction of the office and the office's daily business followed by an update on currently relevant policy fields.
The European Sport Model, the athletes’ voice, human rights and the Conference on the Future of Europe were subject of lively discussions that will feed into the future work of the EOC EU Office. Furthermore, Capralos and Pagnozzi were given a first preview of the third Edition of the EU Funding brochure that is soon to be launched.
On the same day, EOC President Capralos was invited by Commission Vice-President Schinas to exchange on current topics at the EU level. They focused on the shared Olympic and EU values of tolerance, equality, respect, solidarity and the future of Europe.
The team of the EOC EU Office expresses their thanks for the visit and the fruitful discussion whilst looking forward to the collaboration of the next years.