The EOC EU Office Board had its annual meeting in Lausanne, Switzerland, on 24 January 2019. In the meeting the accounts and implementation of the Work Plan for 2018 as well as budget and Work Plan for 2019, were approved. In addition, the operational guidelines of the Office were also discussed.
In 2019, many changes are happening in Brussels, since the EU elections will take place in May. Following the elections, new Commissioners will also be appointed. Both of these will keep the EOC EU Office staff busy, as it is crucial to establish good relations both with new Parliament and the new Commissioners. In addition, the discussions on the future EU funding programmes for period 2021-2027 will continue. The Office has been very active in these discussions and will continue its work in 2019 to better mainstream sport in different funding programmes.
EOC President Janez Kocijancic thanked the EOC EU Office for its excellent work in 2018 and expressed his wish that the Office continues its work to facilitate the access of the NOCs and organised sport into the EU funding. This has been and clearly is one of the priorities of the Office’s work.